.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. |->| replace:: → Ligands ------- - Download 1AKE_ from the PDB (or use `1ake.pdb` from the `course directory`_) - show protein chain A - show the co-crystallized ligand Ap5 (``resname AP5``) - resname AP5, licorice, color: name - show charged residues within 5 Å of the ligand - ``same residue as (charged and within 5 of resname AP5)`` - use representation *licorice*, color: name for the residues, make ligand VDW. - Which side chains make contact with the ligand? - What have they got in common? (Tip: try out color: restype) - water - show crystal water oxygens as VDW or licorice (small spheres) .. _`course directory`: https://becksteinlab.physics.asu.edu/pages/courses/2016/PHY542/practicals/vmd/files/ .. _1AKE: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?pdbId=1AKE .. _1AKE pdb: http://doi.org/10.2210/pdb1ake/pdb