Analyzing protein dynamics
Analyze a molecular dynamics simulation trajectory of the
closed-to-open transition of AdK [Beckstein2009].
Download the topology file adk.psf and the trajectory file
adk_dims.dcd from
- load adk.psf with adk_dims.dcd (use load all at once, this is faster
in general)
- color domains and show as new cartoon
resid 30 to 59
: blue (NMP)
resid 122 to 159
: yellow (LID)
not (resid 30 to 59 122 to 159)
(or resid 1 to 29 60 to 121
160 to 214
): gray (CORE)
- play (loop: rock) (use the triangle button on the main VMD window)
Measuring distances
Measure distances interactively:
- ‘2’ (or Mouse → Label → Bonds)
- click tip of LID and tip of NMP
- play the trajectory: label changes dynamically
- Graphics → Labels: Bonds
- select
- Graph (preview)
- Graph...
- try different distances between residues (use the CA) and plot together:
which change, which don’t?
- What would be good distances to report on conformational changes,
e.g. for FRET?
- Try also [Beckstein2009]
- I52-K145
- A55-V169
- A127-A194