About 4 | Beckstein Lab

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Sean Seyler is a 2017 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leader

Sean Seyler is a 2017 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leader

Sean Seyler was named by the Department of Physics as one of the 2017 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Leaders. Since 1997, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) at ASU has been recognizing distinguished students throughout the College.

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The State Press featured the Lab

The State Press featured the Lab

ASU’s The State Press featured the work of the lab in the article ASU researchers use simulations where experiments fail. The article was based on an interview with lab members and the PI.

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Tsong Prize awarded to Taylor Colburn

Tsong Prize awarded to Taylor Colburn

Undergraduate student Taylor Colburn was awarded the 2017 Tsong Prize for Undergraduate Research in the Department of Physics at Arizona State University for his work on Simulating the conformational transitions of the transmembrane symporter Mhp1.

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