Tutorial: Using VMD for visualizing proteins
The short PHY542: VMD Tutorial provides a short introduction to basic use of the VMD (“Visual Molecular Dynamics”) software to visualize and analyze proteins and molecular dynamics trajectories.
The short PHY542: VMD Tutorial provides a short introduction to basic use of the VMD (“Visual Molecular Dynamics”) software to visualize and analyze proteins and molecular dynamics trajectories.
The course provides an introduction to using the computer as a tool to solve problems in physics. Students will learn to analyze problems, select appropriate numerical algorithms, implement them using Python, a programming language widely used in scientific computing, and critically evaluate their numerical results. Problems will be drawn from diverse areas of physics.
As part of the BioXFEL outreach program at ASU three highschool students and one undergraduate student worked in the Lab in the “BioVizSim Village” for ten days on the Experiencing Molecules Project.