Henry Mull | People | Beckstein Lab

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Henry Mull

Henry Mull

Henry Mull is an undergraduate chemistry student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Henry has been involved in undergraduate research since he was a freshman, working in different labs and gaining a wide range of skills, both as a researcher in general and those specific to chemistry.

He participated in the Summer 2018 NSF REU Program with the Beckstein Lab. While in working in the Beckstein Lab, Henry contributed to the MDAnalysis software. He developed code to facilitate the analysis of dihedral angles of proteins, especially the creation of Ramachandran plots and Janin plots.1


  1. a H. Mull and O. Beckstein. Technical Report: SPIDAL Summer REU 2018 Dihedral Analysis in MDAnalysis. Technical report, Arizona State University, 8 2018. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6957296.v1

Ramachandran Plot

Ramachandran plot for residues 5 to 10 of the enzyme adenylate kinase (AdK). The contours in the background are the “allowed region” and the “marginally allowed” regions.