People 4 | Beckstein Lab

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Chenou Zhang

Chenou Zhang

Chenou Zhang joined the Ph.D. program in Physics in Aug. 2015. After working with Dr. Bill Graves on the design of a compact x-ray source. In summer 2018, he switched to work in the Becksteinlab where he focuses on secondary active transporter and conformational transitions.

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Fiona Naughton

Fiona Naughton

Fiona was a postdoc in the lab. Her research interests include free energy calculations, enhanced sampling methods and software development for MD. Her current project aims to use computational methods to characterise the structural and energetic underpinnings of bile acid transporters.

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Henry Mull

Henry Mull

Henry Mull is an undergraduate chemistry student at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He participated in the Summer 2018 REU Program with the Beckstein Lab and worked on new analysis tools for MDAnalysis.

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