David Dotson obtained his PhD in Physics
Graduate student David Dotson successfully defended his PhD Thesis entitled Solving the Mechanism of Na+/H+ Antiporters Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Nov 4, 2016. He is now Dr David Dotson. Congratulations!
His computational work on the sodium-proton antiporters lead to four published papers so far and includes molecular basis of ion translocation in sodium/proton antiporters, a crystal structure of the sodium-proton antiporter NhaA dimer and new mechanistic insights, and the first indication for a two-domain elevator mechanism for sodium/proton antiport in NapA.
He has been very active in developing new computational tools, including his datreant library (see his 2016 SciPy talk on datreant) as well as being a core contributor to MDAnalysis.
David is the first student to graduate from the lab with a PhD. We wish him the very best for his future career!
Wake up, David... You are now Dr Dotson. Congratulations! Oliver
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